I'm a 10 year old girl and have a pretty good life

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Well i`m really sorry that I don't have any pictures yet but i`ll write a little bit. The day after the blizzard there was a hugest snow pile I HAVE EVER SEEN. And then Amanda and me made a snow fort with me out of the big snow pile. And today I might go to the yard and make my own snow fort!


Dianna said...

Thats so exciting that you guys got to make a huge sow fort. They are always so much fun to make! Lots of Love, Dianna

rustico3059 said...

I think it is already melting away, but it certaily looked beautiful.
Love Mom

sugarnuggets said...

I look forward to your posts all every day since you started blogging!! Way cool that you got so much snow...the boys made forts at school but not at home since we didn't have very much. You basically had to shovel the snow from the front yard and bring it out back if you wanted something big and tall. :)
Have a great day! Love, Tante Tetcy